As an artist Francine has always had an appreciation for beauty and the natural world. Growing up in a north London house with a large back garden formerly part of an orchard, she was as a child surrounded by numerous mature fruit trees. From a young age creating artwork was completely absorbing and guided by her mother; she practised several different textile crafts as well as drawing and collage.
Now living on a smallholding in a picturesque mid-Wales valley, her lifestyle revolves around working with nature. For her the garden is not only a place for permaculture-based food production, but is a source of insight and inspiration. As well as growing food and rearing poultry, Francine strives to enhance her surroundings for both aesthetic and wildlife benefit.

A Selection Of Works
Francine has produced work in a broad range of media and materials and enjoys using different techniques to realise individual ideas; the work displays her skills in a variety of disciplines.
Guided by her inspiration she has applied: painting, collage, mixed media, graphic design, book arts, letterpress printing, mono-printing, collagraphs, micrographs, constructed textiles and environmental art to her portfolio.